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Den's Dental Blog

Hello! My name is Den. This blog is going to cover a range of dental topics. I am not a dentist or a dental nurse but I have recently undergone a lot of dental treatment. This treatment has given me a great insight into the world of dentistry and I would like to share everything I have learnt with you here. Last year, I developed terrible pain in my mouth. I was diagnosed with severe tooth decay. The dentist removed the problem teeth and then inserted false ones in their place. He also whitened my teeth to improve my smile. I hope you find my blog useful.


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Den's Dental Blog

A Comparison Of Dental Amalgam And Resin Composite Fillings

by Myrtle Banks

Silver-coloured amalgam fillings were once your only option when you had tooth decay, but it's now possible to have your tooth repaired with a resin composite filling, which is tooth-coloured. There are some key differences between these two types of fillings, including durability, cost, and application method. Here's an overview of amalgam and resin composite fillings to help you decide on the best option for you:

Amalgam Fillings

Amalgam fillings are composed of silver, copper, tin, and mercury and tend to be stronger than resin composite fillings. For this reason, dentists often recommend this type of filling for cavities in the molars at the back of your mouth. Molars have to withstand daily chewing and can also be susceptible to damage if you grind your teeth. It's generally quick and easy for dentists to place an amalgam filling, as the material is easy to manipulate, which makes them less expensive than composite resin fillings.

Some patients are concerned about the presence of mercury in fillings, but it's this material that makes amalgam fillings so strong. There are different types of mercury, and dental fillings contain elemental metallic mercury, which has been extensively assessed and deemed safe for use in fillings.

Resin Composite Fillings

Resin composite fillings, also referred to as white fillings, are more aesthetically pleasing than amalgam fillings. They are hard to spot unless your teeth are being examined and are composed of compounds of plastic and ceramic, which some patients prefer over metal fillings. However, they tend not to be as durable as amalgam fillings, so some dentists recommend against having cavities in molars filled with composite resin. You certainly can choose to have this type of filling in a molar, but it may need to be replaced earlier than you would need an amalgam filling to be replaced.

The application of these fillings involves curing the resin to harden it, so your mouth has to be kept dry during the process. The extra time and care required to place a composite resin filling is what makes them more expensive than amalgam fillings. Additionally, not all insurance providers cover the cost of composite resin fillings.

You can eat and drink as normal right after having either type of filling placed, and your dentist can recommend amalgam or composite resin based on the size and location of the cavity. If you're concerned you may have a cavity, schedule an appointment as soon as possible to minimise the risk of bacteria infecting the root of the affected tooth. 
