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Den's Dental Blog

Hello! My name is Den. This blog is going to cover a range of dental topics. I am not a dentist or a dental nurse but I have recently undergone a lot of dental treatment. This treatment has given me a great insight into the world of dentistry and I would like to share everything I have learnt with you here. Last year, I developed terrible pain in my mouth. I was diagnosed with severe tooth decay. The dentist removed the problem teeth and then inserted false ones in their place. He also whitened my teeth to improve my smile. I hope you find my blog useful.


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Den's Dental Blog

Toothache: What To Do When Waiting To See The Dentist

by Myrtle Banks

Toothache can ruin your plans, keep you awake at night and put you off eating, so you'll want to see a dentist as soon as possible when you begin to feel tooth pain. Toothache is typically caused by decay, but it can also develop if you have a damaged filling, a cracked tooth or a dental infection. Dentists aim to see patients with toothache as quickly as possible, but you may have to wait for a couple of days, particularly if you develop toothache over the weekend or during a holiday. Here are some home remedies you can try to temporarily ease pain whilst waiting to see your dentist:

Cold Compress

Using a cold compress on your cheek at the site of your pain can ease toothache by reducing inflammation and blunting the pain. You can use a bag of frozen vegetables or ice, but wrap whatever you are using in a soft cloth before holding it against your face to protect your skin. You can use cold compresses several times per day, and as it's completely natural, there are generally no side effects to worry about.


Taking an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication can ease toothache by both reducing swelling and dampening down pain signals to your brain. For best results, you should take this type of medication at regular intervals, as the pain and inflammation will return as soon as you stop this medication. Some people are unable to take anti-inflammatories, so if you have an underlying health condition or take other medication, discuss the suitability of anti-inflammatories with a pharmacist.

Saltwater Rinse

Rinsing your mouth out with a saltwater solution can bring temporary relief from pain, clean areas of infection and promote the healing of any oral wounds. Salt has antibacterial properties and can kill some types of bacteria through the process of osmosis, but it's important to ensure you don't swallow the salt water, as this can lead to dehydration.

Clove Oil

Clove oil has long been recognised for its antiseptic and soothing properties. Some dentists use clove oil when cleaning out a decayed or infected tooth. It can ease toothache by numbing pain and reducing localised inflammation. You can apply it neat or diluted with a little carrier oil, such as olive or sweet almond oil. Simply add a few drops to a cotton ball and dab it onto and around the tooth that's painful.

When it comes to easing toothache at home, you may need to experiment with different home remedies to find what works for you. These suggestions can bring some temporary relief, but they are not a substitute for proper dental care, so contact your dentist as soon as you begin to experience toothache.  
