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Den's Dental Blog

Hello! My name is Den. This blog is going to cover a range of dental topics. I am not a dentist or a dental nurse but I have recently undergone a lot of dental treatment. This treatment has given me a great insight into the world of dentistry and I would like to share everything I have learnt with you here. Last year, I developed terrible pain in my mouth. I was diagnosed with severe tooth decay. The dentist removed the problem teeth and then inserted false ones in their place. He also whitened my teeth to improve my smile. I hope you find my blog useful.


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Den's Dental Blog

Will You Have a Gap-Toothed Smile During the Dental Implant Process?

by Myrtle Banks

When a child smiles at you, revealing missing teeth—that transition period between lost baby teeth and the growth of permanent teeth, it can be rather cute. When an adult has missing teeth, it's perhaps not as adorable. If you've lost a permanent tooth, you've probably explored all your options for replacement. Dental implants offer the most durable and straightforward solution, wherein the missing natural tooth is replaced with a prosthetic tooth, securely attached to a metal bolt implanted in your jaw. This is generally not an immediate solution since your jawbone and supporting tissues will need to fuse to the implant before it can support the prosthetic tooth. So, what can you do while you wait for this to happen? Do you simply need to put up with having a gap-toothed smile?

Position of the Tooth 

A temporary prosthesis while you wait for your implant to stabilise (a process known as osseointegration) is completely optional. When a rear molar is being replaced with an implant, it's unlikely that anyone will even notice the gap, unless they look inside your mouth with an intimacy that's usually reserved for your dentist. In this case, you might opt to forego the need for any type of temporary solution.

Prominent Teeth

It's when a tooth is prominent that you might feel uncertain about the prospect of spending weeks or months with such an obvious gap in your smile. It's difficult to pinpoint precisely how long it will take for your implant to be finalised since osseointegration can take longer for some patients. If you flatly refuse to spend any period of time with a gap-toothed smile, there are a few options to discuss with your dentist.


A flipper can be fabricated. This is the colloquial name for a removable partial denture since it can simply be flipped in and out of place. A prosthetic tooth is made from acrylic resin and attached to a small base plate (rigid or flexible), which is then inserted into the applicable position. 


A type of transparent retainer can be made to encase the upper or lower teeth, as needed. A tooth is essentially painted onto the transparent retainer to disguise the underlying gap. It's little more than a dental illusion, but it can be effective in the short term. 

Remember that any type of temporary replacement for your teeth will increase your overall costs, but if you don't want a gap-toothed smile during osseointegration, it can be worth it!
