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Den's Dental Blog

Hello! My name is Den. This blog is going to cover a range of dental topics. I am not a dentist or a dental nurse but I have recently undergone a lot of dental treatment. This treatment has given me a great insight into the world of dentistry and I would like to share everything I have learnt with you here. Last year, I developed terrible pain in my mouth. I was diagnosed with severe tooth decay. The dentist removed the problem teeth and then inserted false ones in their place. He also whitened my teeth to improve my smile. I hope you find my blog useful.


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Den's Dental Blog

3 Times You Might Need to See a Periodontist

by Myrtle Banks

While your dentist can take care of most of your dental needs, there are times when you might need to see a different specialist. For example, your dentist might recommend that you get periodontic treatment in some circumstances.

Periodontists are dentists with additional training. They specialise in specific problem areas and have the in-depth expertise you might need to fix more complex problems.

When might you need to see a periodontist?

1. You Have Advanced Gum Disease

Dentists can help patients manage gum disease. They are trained to look out for early problems and to take measures to stop things from becoming more serious. They can also treat more advanced problems.

However, there are times when dentists refer patients to periodontists. Their advanced skills and experience are often more effective in advanced, long-term or complicated cases.

Also, periodontists often undertake treatments and procedures that dentists can't or don't want to offer. For example, if your gum problems are advanced, then a periodontist can perform a gum lift procedure to clean out an infection and help get your problems under control.  

2. You Want Dental Implants

Periodontists also have advanced training in dental implant procedures. If your dentist doesn't offer implants or thinks that you need an advanced procedure, then they might refer you to a periodontics clinic. In some cases, patients choose specialist care at this stage.

Periodontists also help people who would not normally be suitable candidates for a dental implant because their jaw bones lack depth. Here, the periodontist can use bone graft or sinus augmentation techniques to prepare the mouth to hold an implant.

You might also see a periodontist if you already have an implant but have had problems since your treatment. For example, some people develop problems after implantation. They get gum infections around the site. Periodontists have the specialist training to deal with these problems.

3. You Have Gum Recession Problems

Gums can recede for various reasons. Most people will have some recession in these tissues as they get older.

However, if your gums recede too much, then you can have other dental problems. If parts of your gum are so low that they expose a tooth's root, then you'll suffer from pain and an increased risk of infection.

Gums don't grow back after they recede, so you might need specialist help to build them up in other ways. A periodontist can use surgical transplant procedures to restore your gums.

For more information, contact periodontics clinics or talk to your dentist about a referral to a local specialist.
