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Den's Dental Blog

Hello! My name is Den. This blog is going to cover a range of dental topics. I am not a dentist or a dental nurse but I have recently undergone a lot of dental treatment. This treatment has given me a great insight into the world of dentistry and I would like to share everything I have learnt with you here. Last year, I developed terrible pain in my mouth. I was diagnosed with severe tooth decay. The dentist removed the problem teeth and then inserted false ones in their place. He also whitened my teeth to improve my smile. I hope you find my blog useful.


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Den's Dental Blog


Tips to Making Trips to the Dentist Easier For Your Kids

Trips to the dentist are pertinent if you anticipate your kids growing healthy teeth. However, this can turn out to be a stressful time considering that most children will associate fear and pain with these medical professionals. Since oral hygiene is paramount, getting over this fear should be a priority. This will avoid having every single dental visit being a stressful occasion not only for your child, but also to you as their guardian.

Do You Need Fluoride Treatments?

When children visit the dentist for their regular checkups, they usually have a fluoride treatment. In fact, most dentists will recommend that children receive regular fluoride treatments. Most of the time, these treatments stop once a child has reached their teen years. But, there are occasions when adults can benefit from having these treatments, in addition to using toothpastes and mouthwashes that contain fluoride. In fact, there are some dental conditions that could cause people to end up with a lot of tooth decay, but this decay can be prevented through additional fluoride treatments.

Why Do Some People Need to Have their Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Children start getting their permanent teeth by the time they are around six years old or older. As they reach adulthood, they will have 28 teeth, until their wisdom teeth come in. The wisdom teeth are also known as the third molars, and they are the last of the adult teeth to come in. Most people discover that they have their wisdom teeth by the time they are in their late teens or early in their twenties.

Four Denture Problems And How To Fix Them

When you buy dentures, your dentist may inform you about certain issues that could be a problem. For example, they may tell you about your dentures rubbing or not staying in place throughout the day. These issues could mean that you need to have your dentures repaired or refitted. There are some more common denture problems they may not mention. Here are four of those problems and how you can fix them.

Family Health Care Tips: How to Choose a Family Dentist

Dental care is a key part of your family's health. Choosing the right dentist will not only guarantee good health for your family, but also save you abundant time and money for use in other parts of your life. Having said that, you should not settle on just any dentist, nor should you follow your friends' recommendations blindly. Here are a few tips on how to make an informed decision.