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Den's Dental Blog

Hello! My name is Den. This blog is going to cover a range of dental topics. I am not a dentist or a dental nurse but I have recently undergone a lot of dental treatment. This treatment has given me a great insight into the world of dentistry and I would like to share everything I have learnt with you here. Last year, I developed terrible pain in my mouth. I was diagnosed with severe tooth decay. The dentist removed the problem teeth and then inserted false ones in their place. He also whitened my teeth to improve my smile. I hope you find my blog useful.


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Den's Dental Blog


Critical Signs That Your Child Should See a Pediatric Dentist

As a parent, you should do everything to ensure that your child grows up to be healthy. Therefore, your child must see a pediatric dentist for the wellbeing of their oral health. Unfortunately, most new parents do not know when to see a pediatric dentist, and some end up delaying the visit longer than necessary. Notably, you do not have to wait until your child starts experiencing pain in their teeth to see a pediatric dentist.

How Chemotherapy Affects Your Dental Health

Being diagnosed with cancer and told that you will soon need to begin chemotherapy is a distressing and unsettling time for anyone. It's entirely up to you who you choose to inform about your diagnosis. While family and friends will likely be first on the list, there's someone who should be kept in the loop: your dentist. See Your Dentist There may be a limited window of opportunity between your diagnosis and the commencement of chemotherapy, and it's advantageous to use this time to see your dentist.

4 Advantages of Regular Dental Clinic Visits

If you have a very busy schedule, visiting a dental clinic might not be high on your list of priorities. However, skipping dental appointments can put your oral health at risk. Here are a few reasons why everyone should attend a dental clinic regularly. 1. Prevent Tooth Decay Some people have the attitude that they only need to go to a dental clinic when they have a toothache so that they can get a dental filling.

5 Reasons Dentists Recommend Loose Denture Relining

If the fit of your dentures has become loose compared to when you first got them, you might have found ways to manage, perhaps using denture adhesive to keep the dentures secure in your mouth. While these temporary fixes can be helpful, you should also be looking for a longer-term solution. Loose denture relining can change the way your dentures fit so you no longer need to use adhesive. Here are a few reasons why dentists recommend it to anyone who has loose dentures.

Postoperative Infections After Tooth Extraction: What to Look Out For

Coping with loss is something that everyone has to deal with at some point in life. The strategic loss of a tooth (when extracted by a dentist) is something that your body deals with courtesy of rest, pain medication and taking care not to aggravate the extraction site. You will recuperate quickly enough, and then you can consider your options for replacing the missing tooth. But what are some of the signs that you're not recovering as well as you should be?

Sports Drinks and Your Dental Health: A Worrying Link

If someone is a professional athlete, a semi-professional athlete, or even just someone who takes their sport seriously and does a lot of it, that individual is likely to enjoy good health. Curiously, this health doesn't always extend to a person's teeth. It's certainly not going to affect everyone who plays a lot of sport, but are your teeth paying the price for your physical pastimes? An Indirect Effect Short of a contact sport that causes physical damage to your teeth, sports don't directly have an adverse effect on your dental health.

3 Ways to Determine Whether You Are Eligible for a Tooth Implant

Dental implants offer a permanent solution for dealing with missing teeth. The procedure involves various stages. The first step is getting an assessment to determine if you are a suitable patient for the procedure. The dentist checks your gums' and jawbones' condition and overall health to determine if you can successfully hold a dental implant.  The dental expert will only proceed to the second stage when they are sure your body can handle the process of installing dental implants, and you are responsible enough to take care of your mouth after the surgery.

5 Steps to Expect When Getting Invisalign Braces

Invisalign treatment can straighten your smile, correct an overbite, and even reduce crowding that puts your teeth at risk of decay. Unfortunately, many people are hesitant to ask their dentist about Invisalign because they aren't sure what is involved in the treatment process. Here are a few steps you can expect to go through after you decide to get Invisalign. 1. X-Rays Before a dentist can create custom Invisalign aligners for you, they need to take x-rays to see how your teeth are currently sitting in the gums and how they will need to move to achieve a better alignment.