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Den's Dental Blog

Hello! My name is Den. This blog is going to cover a range of dental topics. I am not a dentist or a dental nurse but I have recently undergone a lot of dental treatment. This treatment has given me a great insight into the world of dentistry and I would like to share everything I have learnt with you here. Last year, I developed terrible pain in my mouth. I was diagnosed with severe tooth decay. The dentist removed the problem teeth and then inserted false ones in their place. He also whitened my teeth to improve my smile. I hope you find my blog useful.


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Den's Dental Blog

    How to Avoid Seeing the Dentist Unnecessarily

    All adults should see their dentist regularly, even if they think they have healthy teeth and don't notice any pain or discomfort when eating or brushing. However, there are certain things you can do to your teeth that can create dental problems, and which might necessitate an early trip to the dentist's office. Note a few of those here, so you can avoid having to make an otherwise unnecessary trip to the dentist's office, and you know you're doing everything possible to protect your teeth and your overall oral health.

    It's a waiting game: Three tips for helping your dental implants to heal after placement

    Getting dental implants can be an exciting time, however it's natural to be apprehensive about the healing process. Take a look at this quick guide to help keep you healthy and comfortable while your dental implants heal. Plan your meals ahead of time It's normal to be on a soft foods diet for at least a few days immediately after your dental implants. To help make your post-implant meals easy and even enjoyable, take the time to plan before you head to the dental clinic.

    What Kind Of Toothpaste Should You Use?

    Choosing the right toothpaste can be tricky as there are so many options available in the market today. In addition, it is important to think about your specific oral health needs before deciding on the kind of toothpaste you will buy. Should you buy tartar control, whitening or fluoride? The right paste or gel can help you improve your oral hygiene and prevent stains, cavities, gum pain, and other more serious dental problems.

    What You Need to Do If One of Your Teeth Gets Knocked out in a Tackle

    Rugby is one of the greatest passions in Australian sports and something that a majority of youngsters first encounter in school or college. It's little wonder that this country is at the top of the tree when it comes to this engaging sport, as so many are keen to get involved. Yet, while this is a largely safe sport, you have to look out for your own health and safety. In particular, you need to make sure that you guard against any damage to your teeth.

    Why You Need to Get Professional Cleaning Even If You Think Your Home Routine Is Good Enough

    When was the last time that you had your teeth professionally cleaned? If it's been some time, then you may be wondering why it's important. How can you benefit from a visit to a dental hygienist and why shouldn't you put it off any longer? Home Work Is Not Enough Many people seem to think that having a solid, home-based dental care regime is enough when it comes to maintaining excellent oral health.

    The Chilling Truth about Chewing Ice: Why Chewing Ice is Bad for Your Teeth

    Everyone has a bad habit or two that they have somehow developed over time, such as biting their finger nails, tapping their feet or chewing ice. Many of these habits even have names and, through research, have been connected to other conditions that might exist. The desire to chew ice; for example, is referred to as "pagophagia", and has been linked to a deficiency in iron or calcium. However, whether you chew ice regularly or not, you should be aware that although enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, it is also very brittle.

    Wisdom Teeth: Symptoms of an Impacted Tooth

    Having to contend with issues with your oral health can adversely affect your overall well-being. One of the more common ailments you could develop as you are older is wisdom teeth that have become impacted. However, some individuals tend to ignore this problem assuming that once the tooth grows out their oral health will be back to normal. The reality is that leaving this issue unchecked can lead to debilitating pain and a host of other problems including infections.

    What You Can Do to Craft Your Perfect Smile

    If you ask people what their most important facial characteristic is, the answer that you're more likely to hear is "the smile." When you meet somebody for the first time, you will unconsciously create your first impression according to the way that they smile at you. It's often a critical component when you're trying to attract the attention of a potential romantic partner. It can indeed make the difference between getting that prized job at an interview or not.