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Den's Dental Blog

Hello! My name is Den. This blog is going to cover a range of dental topics. I am not a dentist or a dental nurse but I have recently undergone a lot of dental treatment. This treatment has given me a great insight into the world of dentistry and I would like to share everything I have learnt with you here. Last year, I developed terrible pain in my mouth. I was diagnosed with severe tooth decay. The dentist removed the problem teeth and then inserted false ones in their place. He also whitened my teeth to improve my smile. I hope you find my blog useful.


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Den's Dental Blog


Why You Need to Get Professional Cleaning Even If You Think Your Home Routine Is Good Enough

When was the last time that you had your teeth professionally cleaned? If it's been some time, then you may be wondering why it's important. How can you benefit from a visit to a dental hygienist and why shouldn't you put it off any longer? Home Work Is Not Enough Many people seem to think that having a solid, home-based dental care regime is enough when it comes to maintaining excellent oral health.

The Chilling Truth about Chewing Ice: Why Chewing Ice is Bad for Your Teeth

Everyone has a bad habit or two that they have somehow developed over time, such as biting their finger nails, tapping their feet or chewing ice. Many of these habits even have names and, through research, have been connected to other conditions that might exist. The desire to chew ice; for example, is referred to as "pagophagia", and has been linked to a deficiency in iron or calcium. However, whether you chew ice regularly or not, you should be aware that although enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, it is also very brittle.

Wisdom Teeth: Symptoms of an Impacted Tooth

Having to contend with issues with your oral health can adversely affect your overall well-being. One of the more common ailments you could develop as you are older is wisdom teeth that have become impacted. However, some individuals tend to ignore this problem assuming that once the tooth grows out their oral health will be back to normal. The reality is that leaving this issue unchecked can lead to debilitating pain and a host of other problems including infections.

What You Can Do to Craft Your Perfect Smile

If you ask people what their most important facial characteristic is, the answer that you're more likely to hear is "the smile." When you meet somebody for the first time, you will unconsciously create your first impression according to the way that they smile at you. It's often a critical component when you're trying to attract the attention of a potential romantic partner. It can indeed make the difference between getting that prized job at an interview or not.

Outback Living: How to Deal with Dental Pain when your Dentist is Miles Away

There is currently a severe shortage of dentists in the Australian Outback. Because of the lack of dentists, minor problems will often not be spotted or treated in time. This delay can lead to advanced tooth decay and gum disease. If you live in a rural location and are suffering from a toothache or gum disease, it may not be easy for you to access emergency dental care. Below is a guide to some of the ways you can use things from around your home to relieve any pain until you can receive treatment from a dentist.

A Comparison Of Dental Amalgam And Resin Composite Fillings

Silver-coloured amalgam fillings were once your only option when you had tooth decay, but it's now possible to have your tooth repaired with a resin composite filling, which is tooth-coloured. There are some key differences between these two types of fillings, including durability, cost, and application method. Here's an overview of amalgam and resin composite fillings to help you decide on the best option for you: Amalgam Fillings Amalgam fillings are composed of silver, copper, tin, and mercury and tend to be stronger than resin composite fillings.

Self-Care: 3 At-Home Dental Treatments

While it is very important to visit your dentist for regular check-ups, you may also be wondering if you can make your own oral hygiene and pain relief products at home for use between appointments or when you cannot get to a dentist because it is the weekend or a national holiday. Below is a guide which will help you to make your own dental remedies at home. Tooth Whitening

How to choose a dentist

Regular trips to the dentist are a must if you want to keep your teeth and gums in good condition; without periodic check-ups, cleanings and other treatments, your oral health can quickly deteriorate. This is why it is so important to find a good dental practice that meets your specific requirements. If you're currently in the process of looking for a new dentist, here are some tips on finding one that's right for you.

Care Tips After Having A Dental Bonding Procedure

Some people are blessed with beautiful, natural smiles; others need some professional help so they can be proud of their smiles. Having decayed teeth can make it hard for someone to socialize freely because such teeth are an eyesore for other people to look at. Using a white composite resin, a cosmetic dentist can "fill" the unsightly gaps left behind after decayed tooth material has been completely extracted. This helps restore the affected teeth, and thus boost the facial profile of the patient.

Whitening Your Teeth When Some of Them Might Not Be Entirely Your Own

You have a number of options when it comes to teeth whitening, but these options become somewhat more limited if your teeth are not entirely your own. Perhaps you have dental implants, a dental crown, or dental veneers. The materials used to construct these prosthetic teeth and teeth coverings do not respond to teeth whitening agents in the same way that natural teeth do. In fact, they generally do not respond at all.

The Benefits of Invisalign Braces

If you looking for a way to straighten your teeth, you will have the option of traditional braces or Invisalign braces. Invisalign braces are made using clear plastic rather than the metal used as part of traditional braces. This gives them a number of advantages over traditional braces. Below is a brief guide to the benefits of Invisalign braces.  They are safer Invisalign braces are safer than traditional braces. The metal parts of traditional braces can protrude into the mouth, causing sores and scratches to the gums and inside of the mouth.

How to Enjoy Fruit Without Damaging Your Teeth

Fruit is part of a healthy diet, but it contains natural sugars and acids that could contribute to tooth decay. Here are a few tips for eating fruit without putting your dental health at risk. Eat Whole Fruit Whole fruits contain a lot of sugar, but those sugars are bound up with fiber and water, which could reduce the risk they pose to your teeth.  The fiber in fruits such as apples and pears can even scrub stains from the surfaces of the teeth, giving you a brighter smile.

What is a Root Canal, and Can You Avoid Having It Done?

When someone hears that they need a root canal, they may immediately be thinking of a very painful procedure that takes days for recovery, and which might be very expensive. In truth, a root canal often isn't as painful today as it once was; an endodontist, a dentist specializing in this procedure, may use a laser rather than cutting the tooth root as needed, which can reduce the pain of the procedure.

Can You Really Whiten Your Teeth With Strawberry Paste?

If your smile is looking less bright than it once did, you may be searching for a quick and easy way to whiten your teeth. One common home remedy for a stained smile is to mix strawberry pulp with baking soda and spread the resulting paste over your teeth to restore their original whiteness. The idea behind this home remedy is that the malic acid in the strawberries naturally cleans away stains, but does it really work?

Why You Need to Have Dentures Fitted

Dentures are a common dental solution for people who are missing one or more of their natural teeth as a result of an accident, disease, the natural process of aging or any other reason. If you are a candidate for dentures, it is important that you know what benefits these false teeth offer before you can have the dentures fitted. Here's a look at some of the benefits that dentures can provide to its wearers.

What You Should Know About Clear Braces

If you have misaligned teeth, gaps between your teeth, or jaw alignment issues, you might be thinking about orthodontic treatment. Among the different types of braces you can get are clear braces, also called ceramic braces. Here are some things to know about them to decide if they are a good option for you. They Are Less Visible Than Metal Braces One of the top reasons people choose clear braces is the fact that they are less noticeable.

Have A Tooth Cavity? 4 Steps Involved In Getting A Composite Resin Filling

Composite resin fillings are typically white fillings used to match the exact colour of your teeth and are made from glass particles secured in a resin solution. Composite fillings are directly bonded to your decayed tooth area, enabling support for the remaining structure. Dentists generally recommend composite resin fillings because they are strong and cosmetically attractive. This guide is designed to help you understand the steps involved in getting a composite resin filling.

Answers to Some Commonly Asked Questions About Full Mouth Implants

Full mouth implants are a good substitute for standard dentures, for those who have lost all or the majority of their teeth, as they provide a permanent structure for a bridge. This means you wouldn't need to worry about a bridge sliding around during eating and talking. Full mouth implants can also better support the jaw line than many bridges and dentures since they more readily stay in place better. If you're thinking of having full mouth implants inserted, note a few questions you might have and then discuss these with your dentist so you know what to expect and if this procedure is right for you.

Oral Health Tips: Why You Should Get Dental Sealants

Brushing and flossing twice a day is an important way to maintain your oral health and avoid cavities, but sometimes it isn't enough. Many dentists offer dental sealants as an additional way to protect your teeth from cavities. Here are some things to know about dental sealants. How do dental sealants work? When a dentist provides you with dental sealants, they help to create a protective barrier over the surface of the teeth.

The Procedure Involved When Getting Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are dental appliances that are typically made of porcelain or sometimes plastic. They are designed to cover the front sides of the teeth so as to alter their color, shape, or size. This, in turn, will improve the arrangement of your teeth giving you a greater look. Veneers are used to fix various dental problems. These include: Teeth that are discolored either because of stains from some drugs or excessive fluoride.

3 Weird Ways to Whiten Your Teeth With Fruit

If you've been following health trends over the past few years, you've probably heard about the surprising negative effects of fruit time and time again. In terms of dental health, the naturally-occurring sugars and acids can cause cavities and damage your teeth. However, if you're a fruit-fan, don't worry - it's not all bad. There are actually some fruits that can make your pearly whites whiter when used in the right way.

3 Amazing Ways to Save Money When It Comes to Dental Care

Have you ever been guilty of putting off important dental work because of the cost involved? This is obviously not the wisest course of action. While you can live with minor dental problems, it's only a matter of time before they become significant dental problems, making complex and expensive dental work necessary. There are a number of key ways to save money while still receiving a high standard of dental care.